👨‍🎨Bumpkin Guidelines

Bumpkins are the heart of Sunflower Land and represent endless possibilities.

The purpose of this document is to provide templates, guidelines and tips for submitting art for the Bumpkin NFT project.


Bumpkins are powered by a dynamic NFT technology that enables players to equip different wearables. This means players can combine any combination of shirts, pants, hats, shoes etc.

Layer Requirements

  • Dimensions of file should be 100x100px

  • The layer (e.g. shirt) should be on it's own layer without any other parts. When placed on top of a Bumpkin it should perfectly align

You can use the following Aseprite file to try your designs: https://github.com/sunflower-land/sunflower-land/tree/main/public/aseprite


Below are the base body shapes that are used for Bumpkins.

To support feminine figures, the actual layer we use has the hips cut out.

When designing wearables, it is important to test them on different skin colours to ensure they are aesthetically pleasing


Hair is applied dynamically on top of a Bumpkin.


  • Avoid dithering and speckled shading. Instead opt for blocks of shading.

  • Limit the amount of colours/shading to maximum of 3

  • Add a small shadow below the hair (on the forehead) to give a sense of depth

  • Aim for whole/smooth shapes.

  • Keep the ears visible


Shirts are applied under the pants of the Bumpkin. Shirts are versatile and can be placed with any combination of pants - it is important that designs are kept simple and follow the standard shading pattern so they can fit with any combination of clothing

Take note of the shading that runs down the left side of the shirt. In many cases this shading needs to be in this exact position as it continues down onto the Bumpkin pants.


  • ShirLimit the amount of shading that is used

  • If designing merch, the t-shirt and hoodie above are a great starting point

  • Shirts are cut off at the waist by the pants - it is recommended to do a line of shading at the waste to give this effect of the shirt ending


Pants go under the shoes of the Bumpkin and over the shirt. This means we can design overalls and suspenders that can overlap the shirt.

Take note of the shading that runs down the left side, up into the crotch and then along the right side. For consistency, it is recommended to follow this shading pattern so it fits with the shirt of the Bumpkin


A coat can be placed on top of the shirt and pants. This is useful for Blazers and Aprons


  • It is recommended to follow the same shading shape as the shirt


Shoes are placed over the pants layer


A background is applied behind a Bumpkin that can bring it to life!


  • Use colours that are not super aggressive. These are meant to be secondary to the Bumpkin and not draw too much attention away.

  • Avoid strong outlines outlines

  • Even if it is an 'evil' background, strive for a ‘peaceful’ ambience to them all.




Tools are held by the Bumpkin and are a focal point. They are placed on top of the body layer and should include a small gap in the hand to give the appearance that it is being held.

Secondary Tools

Secondary tools are held in the alternate hand.


  • Since that hand is hanging by the side, it is recommended to design secondary tools that completely cover the hand to avoid showing the awkward hand angel.,


Hats are placed over the hair of the Bumpkin.

TODO - the core team is deciding how hair & hats can be combined together. The aim is to show a bit of the Bumpkin hair under the hat


Outfits completely replace the shirt & pants of a Bumpkin. These are useful for 'onesie' designs.


  • Follow the same shading that the shirts + pants follow = shading down the left, up into the crotch and across the right side.


The key to designing Bumpkin art is consistency. Since these wearables can be used in any combination, we need to ensure that the colours, shading and shapes follow the same pattern.

When designing art, it is recommended to use existing pieces as a base so you can follow the right dimensions. We would suggest getting familiar with the winners of the Bumpkin art competition.


How to submit art?

You can submit the art on this Github Discussion: https://github.com/sunflower-land/sunflower-land/discussions/1748


  • Dimensions of file should be 100x100px

  • The layer (e.g. shirt) should be on it's own layer without any other parts. When placed on top of a Bumpkin it should perfectly align

  • A preview of the layer on top of a Bumpkin

  • Art should be original and not plagiarised.

  • If submitting multiple items, an aseprite file would be appreciated to speed up review 🤗

  • By submitting art, you acknowledge you are the original creator of the art and you give Thought Farm and the community the rights to use it freely in the game and marketing purposes indefinitely. Players may trade your item without the need to pay you royalties. The community may make changes and improve artwork that is submitted.

  • You agree to the terms and services of the game

NPC version

Our Bumpkins live inside of the game! It is important to include an NPC version of your character that can be used inside of Sunflower Land.

Last updated