🖥️For Discord Contributors
By contributing to Github, Discord or other socials you provide Sunflower Land the ownership of any IP contributed to the project to use indefinitely. This includes code, discussions (ideas) and all types of artwork. Any ideas or participation in Discord is for the benefit of the community and the project - no payment is expected for contributions.
Discord is the central place where players and Sunflower Land builders collaborate and improve the game.
If you are a player, artist, coder or someone with ideas come join us!
Support roles
Our Discord has organically grown from the help of players in the community. However, at our scale we need the help of professionals to help scale our server, handle support tickets and assists players facing bugs.
We have contracted multiple players to help with these related work tasks. These players are chosen from outstanding community members and moderators.
The aim of our support roles are to alleviate the 'work' and chore related work that can arise in Discord support.
The foundations of Sunflower Land relies on community collaboration and listening to the players. For players that go above and beyond in the community and providing game feedback, they can earn the Moderator role in Discord.
The purpose of the moderator group is to give ensure the Discord rules are followed, provide early feedback around upcoming content and mechanics, assist players & discuss high level community topics. These players are the eyes and ears of the community that assist the core team and developers.
Sunflower Land Moderators are not paid roles. These are Discord community contributor roles with no expectations of rewards or payment.
Moderator Role
Beta Pass. All moderators are given the beta pass which grants them early access to upcoming features. The purpose is to provide ample testing and gameplay before a feature goes live to the public. Whilst moderators do have an early advantage on collecting resources, they are not expected to abuse this power.
During Beta Testing you may encounter uncommon behaviour, bugs or lost items. The team reserves the right to change the game mechanic and you may need to forfeit your items (e.g. They plan will be deprecated or at cause of a bug)
2. Highlight ideas and proposals
Moderators have a direct line of communication with the core team. If you are interested in improving the game, being a moderator is the best place to raise and discuss ideas with the core team.
Above all, moderators have the power to influence gameplay and community decisions to overall improve the Sunflower Land ecosystem ❤️
3. Occasional in-game test items
At times, moderators will be given in-game resources and items. The purpose of these are to test and provide feedback on the functionality in the game. Do not become a moderator for expectation of game items.
4. Moderators are active members in the community. Members will be checked often for activity and contribution to the Discord, moderators who have been inactive for an excessive amount of time may have their roles removed in order to make room for new moderators.
5. Moderators will not be expected to upkeep and action support issues or challenges and should refer them to the support team.
Rules of Moderating
You will have access to exciting content and upcoming features. You can not leak any information of upcoming events or game mechanics unless given permission. Doing so may result in removal of beta testing privilege's.
We encourage all constructive feedback and to speak your mind. To avoid confusion and FUD in the public chats please raise game concerns & bugs in the private moderators channel or directly to the core team.
There are no expected rewards for time spent in Discord. This is an opt-in role, if you are spending excess time on Discord we urge members to rest & recover.
As always, you are subject to the same Discord T&Cs as the players - including no discrimination, harassment, shilling etc.
If you abuse your moderator privilege or break one of the rules above your role as a moderator can be removed.
Last updated