🏗️Crop Automation

Crop Machine

The crop machine is a high level building and requires a high level Bumpkin and Oil to operate. To see the requirements to build the crop machine visit .

The crop machine enables Bumpkins to grow basic crops automatically. The list of Basic crops is available in Crops .

Crop Machine in action!

To get started with the crop machine, add seeds and oil to the machine.

Adding Seeds

To add seeds to the crop machine access the crop machine menu by clicking or tapping on your machine.

Crop Machine menu

Access the Add Seeds option by clicking or tapping on the plus icon . The add seeds menu will appear.

Add seeds

Adding Oil

Access the Add Oil Menu by clicking or tapping on the Add Oil button in the Crop Machine menu.

Add oil

A maximum of 48 hours of oil can be added to the Crop Machine.

The machine operates using 10 plots within itself, so it processes seed packs 10 plots at a time. These are separate from the plots you have on your land

Harvesting Crops

Finally it is time to harvest your crops!

Crops are ready!

The harvest menu will be available when crops are available to harvest. In the situation you have multiple crops to harvest, all crops will be harvested.

Harvest Menu

Click Harvest to collect the yield!

Special considerations

  • Seasonal tickets will NOT be found wthin the Crop Machine

  • Crops grow at their base time, speed boosts do NOT work

  • Yield boosts DO work

  • Chests are not procced within the machine, so players will not receive extra seeds or gold from Golden Sunflower skill

Last updated