📅Q3 2024 Report

Q3 of 2024 was a successful quarter for Sunflower Land. We saw the release of the Desert area and some new income streams from the launched items and digging attempts. Other noticeable changes affecting the financial model was the introduction of Gems, a new hard currency.

July being the last month of the Faction season was a 'quiet' month as we had no banner sales and no items launching. However, August and September were profitable with lots of Banner Sales and in game purchases.



$29,018 USD

$56,229 USD


$80,806 USD

$48,493 USD


$68,033 USD

$49,139 USD

General overhead and tech expenses have remained similar to Q2.

We had some added expenses in July for legal/accounting. This quarter was the most we have spent on international travel ($8037.60 USD) as the team visited Coinfest and Token2049 to promote Sunflower Land. The Australian EMDG grant will subsidise these trips (50% tax refund).


The team released a new Currency 'Gems' in September. We have reduced the cost of certain in-game actions (e.g. Lures 50% cheaper) as we can now use higher denomiations. The team is currently experimenting with a F2P model version of the game. Our hypothesis is that although the average player will spend a bit less, the scale of new users will bring more profit. We will share results of this campaign shortly.

Last updated