
What is a 'Bumpkin'?

Bumpkins are your in game character. Your Bumpkin will be created upon minting your farm for no extra cost. They can also be used as your PFP (Profile Picture) You can add additional Bumpkins to your farm when you unlock the tent building, this feature is currently WIP and will be fleshed out in the future.

Depositing Bumpkins

To play Sunflower Land, you must deposit a Bumpkin from your personal wallet onto your farm. Once inside of the game you can use it for farming, mining, chopping and exploring.

This change was sparked from community discussion and suggestions to our previous system. The main pain points that depositing a Bumpkin aims to improve include:

  • Instantly equip a Bumpkin without a transaction

  • Mint rare wearables inside of the game

  • Bumpkin can be sent with a farm.

For more details, please read the community discussion

How do I deposit a Bumpkin?

To deposit a Bumpkin you simply need to log in to Sunflower Land.

A prompt will automatically appear, allowing you to select which Bumpkin you wish to deposit.

Once you have selected your Bumpkin click 'Deposit'.

A Blockchain transaction will appear, transferring your Bumpkin onto your farm. You will need to pay the standard network gas fees for an NFT transfer.

Only 1 Bumpkin can be deposited on a farm. If you wish to switch a Bumpkin, you must first withdraw your current one

How can I use my wearables?

To equip wearables on your Bumpkin in-game, you will need to deposit them onto your farm.

You can deposit wearables the same way you would deposit SFL and collectibles - either through the Bank or clicking on your SFL balance in the top right hand corner of the game.

What next?

You can update the look of your Bumpkin ingame!

Here you can see your Bumpkin, their Level, Experience, Skills and Achievements.

Experience can be gained from feeding your Bumpkin, please see Cooking

To Feed your Bumpkin you need to locate them on your farm and click to see all available food they can eat.

To access Goblin Retreat, your Bumpkin needs to be level 5 or higher ontop of holding a Golden Pass


As you level up your Bumpkin you will earn Skill points, these can be used to evolve your Bumpkins ability in different professions. They will apply a boost to your game depending on the path you take.

To enable a skill, you will need to first claim it.

Right now there is no way to change skills so choose carefully; in the future there will be the ability to re-skill.

Skills are locked to your Bumpkin so if you send your Bumpkin to someone, they will benefit from your hard work and you will need to start again.

Legacy Skills were available in Beta gameplay and can no longer be unlocked for new players, these skills carried over to Sunflowr Isles and are tied to the farm instead of the Bumpkin:


These awards are presented to you after completing specific requirements. The requirements can be viewed by clicking on the icon for each one. They also come with a prize once completed. Achievements can't be withdrawn.

Here is a guide to the first 50 Bumpkin levels that shows requirements as well as unlocks:

How do I withdraw a Bumpkin?

To withdraw a Bumpkin you must visit Goblin Retreat and visit the Bank.

Under the 'Withdraw' tab you will notice a button called 'Bumpkin'.

Clicking 'Withdraw' will fire a transaction, returning the Bumpkin to your personal wallet. It is always sad to see a Bumpkin leave, but I'm sure you have a good home for them! โ™ฅ๏ธ

Last updated